
8 2019


9 2019

ASBEE Scholar In Residence Rabbi Menachem Nissel

6:00PM - 9:00PM  

Anshei Sphard Beth El Emeth Congregation 120 East Yates Road North
Memphis, TN 38120

Contact Alan Goldkin

Rabbi Menachem Nissel is a renowned speaker who has inspired thousands throughout the world. He has the rare ability to translate lofty concepts into practical daily living, spiced with irrepressible British humor. He is a widely published author including the highly acclaimed "Rigshei Lev - Women and Tefilla". He teaches in seminaries and yeshivas in Jerusalem, and is the Senior Educator for NCSY.

After Shabbat services Friday evening, we'll continue to enjoy Shabbat together at a community dinner at 6pm.

Rabbi Nissel will be our guest speaker at Shabbat morning services (which begin at 8:45a.m.) Services will be followed by a Kiddush luncheon.

More details on the Shabbat dinner and the Scholar in Residence program will be available soon.

Contact the ASBEE office for more information at 901-682-1611.