
19 2014

Jewish Historical Society presents Baila Miller

2:00PM - 3:30PM  

Memphis Jewish Community Center 6560 Poplar
Germantown, Tennessee 38138
901 761-0810 amijoyw@aol.com

Contact Joy Wilk
901 624-2322

The Making of Modernism: The Jewish World, Art, and Culture


It is extraordinary to discover, that within a few decades of Jewish artisans making their way into the Cultural Milieu of Paris and later New York, they were redefining Modern Art. Significant art dealers Bernard Berenson and Gertrude Stein, painters Amedeo Modigliani and Marc Chagall, American gallery and museum owners Alfred Stieglitz and Peggy Guggenheim, art critics Clement Greenberg and Harold Rosenberg created, defined, and expanded the International definition of “What art is.”

Sponsor: Jewish Hstorical Society of Memphis and the Mid-South