
17 2016

Freedom Song--A Musical

4:00PM - 11:00PM  

Beth Sholom Synagogue 6675 Humphreys Blvd
Memphis TN, TN 38120
901-683-3591 penina@bsholom.org

Contact Penina Hoffnung

FreedomSong, a contemporary musical in the style of Rent, about slavery, addiction, freedom, recovery and liberation. Presented by Beit T'shuvah of Los Angeles. Free for teens, $5 suggested ticket price for adults. Beth Sholom Synagogue 6675 Humphreys Blvd, Memphis, TN 38120, opposite Opera Memphis. A project of the Memphis Jewish Teen Professionals Council.
This program was generously funded by Jewish Community Partners.

Sponsor: Hosted by Beth Sholom Synagogue. Generously funded by Jewish Community Partners.