
1 2016

YAD Havdalah Bonfire Kickoff

8:00PM - 10:00PM  

Contact Stacy Wagerman
(901) 767-7100

Join us for YAD Goes to Camp: Havdalah Bonfire. Enjoy an evening of friends, music, fun and of course s'mores. Bring a your beach-chair or blanket. Play a musical instrument? Bring it along! 


Memphis Jewish Federation’s Young Adult Division (YAD) is raising significant funds to send more kids to Jewish summer camp, helping them build a lifelong connection to Jewish identity and values.

The goal of YAD Goes to Camp is to provide means for every child who wants to attend Jewish summer camp to do so. The YAD Campaign will support summer camp scholarships to give more kids that lifelong connection to Judaism that only Jewish summer camp can provide, which will in turn help us ensure the Jewish future—one of Memphis Jewish Federation’s top priorities.