Designated Endowment Funds

Jewish Foundation of Memphis plays a critical role in securing endowment funds for organizations and programs that provide important services to the Memphis Jewish community. Some of these funds are used to seed a Designated Endowment Fund at the Foundation and benefit from financial and programmatic oversight by the Foundation 's board of directors and investment committee.


These funds can be created to honor the memory of a loved one (e.g. Marty Olswanger Fund) while others can provide long-term support to very specific agencies or programs (e.g. Bornblum Scholarship Endowment Fund). The number of Jewish Foundation designated funds continues to grow, and each has its own special purpose, spending policy and vision.

Hillels of Memphis


In 2018, a $2 million endowment fund was created at the Jewish Foundation of Memphis to sustain Jewish engagement programs for Jewish college students attending Memphis area universities. This includes University of Memphis, Rhodes College, Southern College of Optometry, University  of Tennessee Health Sciences and Southwest Community College . With a facility on the U of M campus, full time director, a community advisory board and a student leadership board, Hillels of Memphis executes meaningful programs to connect Jewish college students to Judaism and to each other. The creation of the Hillels of Memphis Endowment Fund will ensure this important program into the future.

Wendy & Avron B. Fogelman Jewish Family Service Endowment Fund


In 2019, five years after the "new" Jewish Family Service was launched as a department of the Memphis Jewish Community Center, generous local donors Avron and Wendy Fogelman stepped forward with their lead gift to help launch a $7.5 million endowment campaign that would benefit the critical services offered by Jewish Family Service into the future. Renamed the Wendy & Avron B. Fogelman Jewish Family Service, this important agency has provided life-sustaining services to the Memphis Jewish community for more than 150 years. The Jewish Foundation of Memphis has been the proud leader of this fundraising effort. 68 donors contributed more than $7.6 million to ensure that our community will continue to care for everyone for generations.

Designated Funds


Abe and Goldie Walter Memorial Fund for Jewish Eductaion


Allan and Marcia Hayden Endowment Fund


Art and Bert Wolff Israel Summer Scouts Endowment Fund


Axel and Rita Robbins Music Fund to Benefit Temple Israel


Bornblum Scholarship Endowment Fund


Boy Scouts of America Troop 25 Endowment Fund


Camp Incentive Program


Captain Mark Elster Israel Youth Fund


Central High School Designated Fund


Curt and Hedi Ward Designated Fund for Temple Israel


Curt and Hedi Ward Family Fund for Senior Assisted Living Programming


Deanna & Irvin Serenco Fund for Children with Hearing Disorders


Dr. Joseph and Lyda Parker MJCC Scholarship Fund


Dr. Maurice E. Petrovsky Memorial Fund FBO MJCC Camp Scholarships


Eric and Marc Wolf Young People's Fund


Gorden Family Scholarship Fund


Hedi Ward Memorial Endowment Fund


Heidi Kulbersh Memorial Endowment Fund


Hilary Hodus and Mitch Hodus Fund for Family Enrichment at Beth Sholom Synagogue


Iris and Ronald Harkavy Fund Designated for MHA/FYOS


Iuliu Herscovici Designated Fund


Jane Ross College Scholarship Fund


Jean & Melvin J. "Buddy" Ballin Endowment Fund


Jewish Family Service Endowment Funds


Joe and Judy Goldstein Tzedakah Fund


Kaethe Mela Family Memorial Fund


Karin Blinder Gubin Foundation


Kay and Allen Iskiwitz Family Fund for the Benefit of the Memphis Jewish Community Center


Makowsky Greenberg Scholarship Fund


Mariette and Joel Turtzky Designated Fund


Mary S. Shainberg Fund for the Bornblum Jewish Community School


Maya June Kaufman Memorial Fund


Midtown Jewish Engagement Fund


Mildred and Jerome Dan Memorial Fund


Miriam & Rabbi Efraim Greenblastt Jewish Education Scholarship Fund


Morris Fogelman Passover Fund


Nancy and Sheldon Dan Fund for Jewish Education


Remnant Fund


Ronald Grossman Camp Scholarship Fund


Rose and Jake Iskiwitz and Esther F. Iskiwitz Fund for the Memphis Jewish Home Pet Therapy Program


Salon Circle Philanthropic Fund


Sandra and Mervyn Israel Charitable Designated Fund


Schonbaum Family Fund


Segall Livnah Memorial Fund


Sidney Kay Memorial Fund


Special Needs Jewish Adult Programming Fund


Stephanie Richman Memorial Scholarship Fund FBO Temple Israel Pre-School


Stuart and Carol Zalowitz Designated Tzedekah Fund

To open a new Designated Fund with the Jewish Foundation of Memphis, download and fill in the form below. 

Once completed, email the form to Sheri Gadberry at