Safeguarding the Sacred: Perspectives on Holocaust Memory
- Art contest open to all middle school students in TN and surrounding states.
- One entry per student.
- Entries may be in the form of a painting, drawing, diorama, collage, sculpture, or digital art (new for 2022!). Canvases may not exceed 4x4 feet.
- Digital art entries must be original, not copied or traced from clip art. Entry must be submitted via email as a JPEG or PNG file and sent to HolocaustArtContest@gmail.com by Monday, March 21, 2022, along with name, address, phone number, email, school name and grade and a one-paragraph explanation of theme, message and design concept.
- All other entries must be brought to the Memphis Jewish Federation office by the close of business on Monday, March 21, 2022, accompanied with a one-page attachment with name, address, phone number, e-mail address, name of school and grade and a one-paragraph explanation of theme, message and design concept. Attachment should be taped to the back of the work. (Do not write name on front of artwork).
- This attachment, along with a photo of the artwork, should also be emailed to HolocaustArtContest@gmail.com.
- Entries should explore the following topic: Safeguarding the Sacred: Perspectives on Holocaust Memory.
When thinking about this topic, you may wish to consider how Holocaust memory is transmitted through the generations and /or the threats posed to memory by Holocaust denial and trivialization. Contest entrants may explore one or more avenues of memory preservation: personal testimony, diaries, hidden archives, judicial prosecutions, historical accounts, visual arts, etc. and consider the opportunities and challenges posed by these methods to the future of Holocaust memory.
- Suggested Resources: Facing History and Ourselves Yad Vashem. The World Holocaust Remembrance Center | www.yadvashem.org |
United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (ushmm.org)
USC Shoah Foundation |
ADL: Fighting Antisemitism and Hate
Home | AJC
Simon Wiesenthal Center
- Judging will be based on the following criteria: originality, creativity, passion, message conveyed, connection to theme and usage of colors, symbols, and proportions.
- First Place cash prize of $200; Second Place: $100; Third Place: $50. Gift cards for Honorable Mention. Contest awards provided by the Kaethe Mela Family Memorial Fund of the Jewish Foundation of Memphis. Kaethe, her husband Paul and their 17-year-old daughter Doris, were murdered in Auschwitz.
- A photo of the winning artwork will be published on the cover of the program for Memphis Jewish Federation’s annual community-wide Yom HaShoah/Holocaust observance taking place on Thursday, April 28, 2022. All winners will be publically recognized at the commemoration.
- First-place artwork becomes the property of Memphis Jewish Federation. All other pieces may be picked up from the MJF office.
- Memphis Jewish Federation is not responsible for any damage to artwork that may incur.
- Please direct questions to Carrie Richardson at crichardson@jcpmemphis.org.