While Jews represent less than 2% of the population, the unfortunate reality is almost 60% of faith-based hate attacks target Jews. Security is and must remain at the forefront for the leadership of the Memphis Jewish Federation and all of our community institutions.
Federation and Secure Communities Network’s partnership was the first of its kind in Jewish communities nationwide, and among all faith-based communities. We can be proud of how far we’ve come, from a wide-open community with little to no security infrastructure or preparedness to being a model community and an example for others around the country.
Amanda Braswell is the Secure Community Network (SCN) Regional Security Advisor for Jewish Community Partners – Memphis. In this role, Ms. Braswell serves as a security advisor, liaison, and training coordinator to provide direction and ensure the development, organization, implementation, and monitoring of the greater Memphis area Jewish community security operations and program.
Ms. Braswell can be contacted via:
Email: abraswell@securecommunitynetwork.org
Website: securecommunitynetwork.org
Duty Desk: 844.SCN.DESK (844.726.3375) | DutyDesk@SecureCommunityNetwork.org