
25 2015

Daniel Pearl "Harmony for Humanity" concert $ DP Legacy Awards

2:00PM - 4:00PM  

UC Theater on the University of Memphis campus
United States 3581 Midland
Zach Curlin Rd.
Memphis, TN 38111
9014522453 hillelofmemphis@bellsouth.net

Contact Sherry Weinblatt

Annual community concert featuring the most talented Memphis musicians to celebrate the life and legacy of Daniel Pearl. The concert is part of the World Days of Music.
The concert is sponsored by Morris S. Fogelman Jewish Student Center at Hillel of Memphis, Facing History & Ourselves and Pearl B'nai B'rith Girls.
The Daniel Pearl Legacy award is also presented.

Sponsor: Morris S. Fogelman Jewish Student Center at Hillel of Memphis, Facing History & Ourselves and Pearl B'nai B'rith Girls.